Reflex Personalised Hoody’s
Personalised zipped and pullover hoody's can be ordered from Reflex in a choice of sizes and colours. There are try on samples in Reflex. Embroidered badge to the front and choice of colours for personalisation to the front and back. Ordering required. ...
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Training Equipment
The following equipment can be purchased from Reflex to aid Taekwon-Do training at home.
Freestanding punch bags from £120
Kick shields from £40
Hand held button pads from £40 for the pair
Blocker pads from £30
Breaker boards from £30
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Sparring Equipment
Reflex & ITF Approved Sparring equipment for use in the Sparring/Korean Kickboxing class. Full kits from £100 but depending on size and make, with a number of options available. Individual items such as gloves, feet pads, head guards, body vests, gum...
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Sparring Suit
Black Reflex school suit for use in the Sparring/Korean Kickboxing class only. Not suitable for competitions. Prices from £30 for the set. Order from Tracey.
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